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Pumpkin juice has an amazing color, one-of-a-kind taste and great smell. This juice is rich in vitamins, in particular in carotene, as well as in potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, ferrous, organic acids, and contains upon that little fiber as well as pumpkin. Thus it is very healthy to drink pumpkin juice if one has gastroenterological diseases. You can as much pumpkin juice as you like without restrictions. The pectin of the pumpkin juice clears unneeded cholesterol from the body.
Pumpkin juice contains fiber, pectin elements, potassium, calcium, magnesium, microelements (ferrous, cuprous etc), as well as vitamins B1, B2, B6, E, beta-carotene. It improves function of the digestive tract, cardio-vascular system, genitor-urinary system and excretory system. It is recommended to drink pumpkin juice in small amounts before going to bed if you suffer from insomnia or broken sleep. It is good to buy pumpkin juice if you have metabolic disorder, gout or had infectious hepatitis. It is a folk remedy to drink 1 glass of pumpkin juice during 2-3 weeks if a man suffers from prostatitis.
With all natural pumpkin juice blended vegetables juices are produced, such as carrot-pumpkin juice. Due to the combination of two healthy juices this blended juice becomes a real fountain of vitamins, microelements, minerals and pectin.


Сок тыквенный

Carrot juice is a source of many vitamins and minerals. Due to carotene, B, C, K vitamins, ferrous, potassium, calcium, cobalt and other minerals carrot juice is especially healthy for children and people with poor health.
It is the most health giving and nutritional juice commonly used in blended juices. It prevents from and stops putrefaction processes in the intestinal tract, restores working capacity; it is necessary for pregnant women, nursing mothers, because it provides with all essential elements. Drinking every day up to half a liter of carrot juice has “more positive effect for the body than dozens of kilos of calcium tablets” (John Russell Pope). The juice is also essential if having eye disorders or skin diseases.
The trade mark “Vladam” offers blended juices in bulk for ordering in advance:

  • carrot-apple juice for the best thirst allay, empowering and health. It is very useful if lack of energy;
  • carrot-strawberry juice has an unforgettable taste and especially children enjoy it so much;
  • carrot-apricot juice has an excellent smell, unforgettable taste, is rich in vitamins and minerals. Due to the apricot it has gentle fruit taste.


Яблочный сок

Englishmen say “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Such saying do not appear for no reason. Apples are really very healthy and if you drink apple juice regularly, it will keep you vital for many years. What is the most useful in apple juice?
Apple juice contains a lot of vitamins, fiber, minerals, tanning agents, organic acids, carbohydrates and proteins. It also has pectin due to which we clear toxins and waste from the body. The juice has diuretic and choleretic action. It is especially healthy for brainworkers. It is also recommended for people suffering from anemia and for smokers. People who live in big cities with a great amount of gas pollution and lack of oxygen should also take it regularly.
“Vladam” Company offers in bulk for ordering in advance “Apple juice” 1 Liter Twist, produced by direct pressing without water from cultivated apples.


Гранатовый сок

Pomegranate is a very old fruit, Roman and Greek doctors found it very useful in medicine. Folk healers use it in many original recipes now. What good and harm does pomegranate juice bring?
Pomegranate juice is very rich in amino acids, water-soluble polyphenols, organic acids, vitamins, phosphorous, calcium, potassium, and ferrous. A lot of people enjoy it that is people always wonder what good and what harm it can do. The polyphenols containing in pomegranate juice, known as antioxidants, are essential for people who don’t want to get older.
Pomegranate juice also contains folacin, as well as tannin and pectin entities which at all times are considered to be a wonderful anti-inflammatory agent preventing digestive tract diseases. Pomegranate juice is an excellent diuretic agent; it is necessary for people suffering from anemia, because it increases hemoglobin. It is well-known that it has healthily effect on a heart muscle because of a great amount of potassium.
It is a rather an expensive drink and also has contraindications. If you are suffering from pancreatitis or over-acidity pomegranate juice is absolutely contraindicative as well as in case of aggravation of gastric and peptic ulcer. It is a peculiarity of a pomegranate juice that it is a very concentrated product. Even if there are no contraindications it should be taken only watered or as a mix with carrot or beet-root juices. Pomegranate juice is produced in bulk for ordering in advance.


Березовый сок оптом

Many people enjoy drinking cool birch juice, but not everybody knows why it is so useful. A beautiful tree which name is translated as “blessed” from Latin shares its “tears” with us and heals us.
The juice contains sugars (fructose, glucose, sucrose), organic acids, enzymes and phytoncides, which have high antimicrobial activity. Birch juice also has a lot of minerals, which are essential for a weakened body in spring. Drinking birch juice we “recharge” ourselves and enrich our body with potassium, calcium, magnesium, ferrous, copper…
Spring juice can be considered one of the best dietary aid. Taking it regularly has a tonic effect. If you drink at least one glass of birch juice a day, you feel more cheerful and vital. Sleepiness, depression and tiredness disappear.
Content of the birch juice of the trade mark “Vladam” in 1 liter bottle – 94%. Birch juice is produced in bulk for ordering in advance.